If sustainability is important to you and your potential future fiancée, you’ll likely be keen to
ensure that being eco-friendly is at the forefront of your proposal too. Thinking about this will
be meaningful and special to your partner, and shows them that you care about their values
and want to share this in your future life together.
Luckily, there are plenty of ways to make sure that your special day is perfect for you and the
planet. Here are some things you can do to make sure you have an eco-friendly proposal.
Choose your transport wisely
Travel can be a big consideration when it comes to sustainability. Perhaps this means that you propose locally, in a location you can walk to. Or perhaps you need to look at the environmental impact of your travel to your proposal destination and choose your transport
For example, traveling by public transport is generally far better for the environment than a private car or by plane. Of course, there are some factors to take into consideration, such as whether you have an electric car, or if you choose to carbon offset your flight if flying is unavoidable.
If you’re staying local, why not choose to rent bikes, if you don’t have your own? Cycling
around with a picnic in a basket is a cute, nostalgic activity that is perfect for a summer
proposal. Make sure to end up in a picturesque spot when you pop the question.
Choose an ethical ring
Natural diamonds aren’t all problematic, but some can be when it comes to where and how the diamond is sourced. If you’re looking to propose an ethical diamond ring, make sure to do your research.
Look out for jewelers that share information about their ethics, and support projects where the diamonds are ethically sourced. This should ensure that the workers are paid a fair wage and don’t have to work in dangerous conditions. You can always speak to the company
directly if you can’t find the information you need, but if you want to be safe, avoid buying
diamonds from areas of conflict, such as Zimbabwe, Angola, and the Ivory Coast, amongst
If you’re looking for an activity to do together before you propose, why not choose to help with a volunteer project? There are plenty of eco-friendly opportunities around, from helping at a community farm to planting trees. Not only will you enjoy the experience and have fun, but you’ll also potentially learn something new that you can take forward in your lives together, and inspire others around you at the same time.
Choose a farm-to-table restaurant
If you’ve decided to pop the question over a romantic candlelight dinner, you don’t need to always choose a high-end, Michelin-starred restaurant. One of the best ways to eat sustainably and support eco-friendly businesses is to eat at a farm-to-table style restaurant that uses locally sourced ingredients.
Not only will these ingredients be delicious and fresh, but their carbon footprint will also be lower as they haven’t had to travel very far. You’ll also be supporting local communities and farmers, as more of your money will go to paying local suppliers, rather than supermarkets.
Guest Blog from 77 Diamonds London
Bio: From online retailer to established international brand, our story has been inspired by our team’s shared passion for creating jewelry of the finest quality, providing impeccable customer care, and crafting heartfelt stories into a timeless reality.